Naíno Technologies is an early stage startup that develops innovative appliances to revolutionize African lifestyle through tech.
In lingala, the word Naíno means "first" but is also used in the expression "not yet". Thereby, it carries the duality of an eye focused on the future and yet witness to the past, just like our logo, which is inspired by the adinkra symbol Sankofa.
Driven by our search of greater inclusivity and our will to support cultural diversity, we aim at providing African households with unique solutions meant to impact life on many levels.

More than a team : a family

Dyana Kamanda
Co-Founder & CMO
Legal expert with deep cultural insights, Dyana defines the strategy that guides our marketing efforts and oversees the company's legal ops.​

Armand Kamanda
Co-Founder & CEO
Tech enthusiast with 10+ years of experience in mechanical design, Armand leads Naino's product development and defines its overall strategy.

Espérance Kamanda
Associate Engineer
Robotics engineer with advanced programming skills, Espe brings creativity and expertise in the development of e-boka's software.